Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Craft Room (AKA "The Scrapping Pad"

Here are a few pics of my craft room.  This used to be a kitchen and I converted it to my scrap area by placing a little bit of this and that to make storage and have space to create.  I wished I had one that looked like most of them on here, but I like mine b/c it's comfy and some of the stuff my dad built. 

This iswhere I store most of my ribbon.  I admit, I have a ribbon problem.  LOL  Working at a ribbon outlet doesn't help. 

 Closed View


This is just what I could fit in here, I have a basket under my table full of loose ribbon that needs spooled. 

Well I need to get back at working on a Valentine's Day Project.  Have a wonderful day!!

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About Me

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Hagerstown, Maryland, United States
I have my own business "The Scrapping Pad" which features all kinds of paper crafts and I also design my own grapevine wreath's and deco mesh wreaths. I love making whimsical out of the box things.